How to lose weight fast on the Keto diet


(The KETO approach)

Losing weight is a hot topic and always will be. Whether you have a lot or a little to lose, you want to know the best way to shed those unwanted pounds. There’s a lot of one-size-fits-all advice making the rounds, and it’s just not working.

If you are looking for a “quick way” to lose weight, there are no shortages of fad diets around. Most people today get caught in the “latest and greatest” diet fads, promising to help you lose several pounds in as little as a week or two. Most of these diets claim you can lose weight fast with minimal effort.

You may have heard some of the promises, “lose 10 pounds in a week”, “how to lose weight fast”, “lose weight in a week’ or “shed your body fat in 10 days” etc.

The bitter reality is that, something that comes in a jiffy isn’t lasting too!

All of us have heard about ‘Yo Yo dieting’ which alludes to cyclic loss and gain of weight. Even if you have or haven’t experienced it, we will still tell you the reason behind, fad diets not working to produce sustaining results.

Let’s see why this happens?

If you’re on a fad diet, chances are that you can end up disrupting your natural metabolism.

The body, in its normal state called homeostasis, learns to maintain the weight you normally carry. If you lose weight too quickly you are probably losing muscle mass/lean tissue.

As we lose muscle our metabolisms slow down. Once you dramatically decrease calorie intake, your body begins adjusting to less food and a new homeostasis is created based on the lower calorie count.

Your body learns to function normally with less which means that when you begin eating regular food again you will gain back much more weight than before because your body is used to surviving on fewer calories.

This why, you need to find a sustainable way to lose weight!

When we’re talking about weight loss, we cannot overlook weight loss pills and supplements too. The market is flooded with prescription and over the counter drugs, pills, supplements that help suppress appetite or target to burn your stored fat.

To what extent can a weight loss pill help you?

When you are desperate to lose weight, diet pills are indeed a highly tempting proposition, more so if you have already tried and tested the conventional methods of losing weight without too much success.

But, an important fact is that you need to be sure whether its safe and effective or not?

Not, getting into every fine detail, we have researched and found out that:

  • Weight loss pills are safe only if they are 100% natural. Use products that are made from plant extracts. Such products do not have any side effects. Even if they exhibit mild reactions like a rash or an itch, you can be sure that they will not produce any long-lasting side effects.
  • Always select a weight loss diet pill that has undergone some amount of testing. Products that have been approved by the FDA are generally considered safe.Good natural supplements will contain at least 50% of the active ingredient, and no artificial ingredients, additives, preservatives, fillers or binders.
  • The conclusion is simple – choose well known brands that many people used already and had positive results. Though there is no perfect weight loss aid, but they may help you through your weight loss journey, if you make the right choice.

But you should know that, Weight loss pills can only accelerate the weight loss process; they cannot initiate it.

Why not find a sustainable solution to your problems? A lifestyle change, that actually helps, is safe and well researched too!

Losing weight on a KETO DIET:

A ‘Keto diet’ triggers ketosis in our bodies, switching from glucose to fats as the chief source of energy. It is diet that involves high amounts of fat, moderate protein and very little or no carbs.

It has become overwhelmingly popular for the results it produces, and isn’t fiction too. It is very well backed by scientific research and there are enough reasons as well as evidence to believe that it is safe and effective in the long run.

  • Many studies relating to its efficacy have been published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. They concluded and documented weight loss, such that participants were able to consume less food.
  • The Mayo Clinic has confirmed the keto lifestyle can have a healthful effect on serious health conditions, like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. It improves levels of HDL cholesterol.

The most important thing is that you don’t need to worry about any sort of nutritional deficiencies!

It is proven that, When followed correctly, the Keto diet is one of the most complete and nutritious diets on the planet.’

In practice, you’ll probably consume more vitamins and minerals on a ketogenic diet than you did on a standard American diet (SAD), as long as you are eating whole foods (i.e., natural fats, meats, leafy green vegetables) and not packaged low carb junk food.

Ellen Davis
M.S. Applied Clinical Nutrition

Editor’s note: – If you are interested in ketosis, and following ketogenic diet plans, we recommend two very useful resources – Perfect Keto, a natural supplement to get you into the state of Ketosis as quickly and effectively as possible, and The Essential Keto Cookbook, a great way to kickstart your Keto journey.

How this diet works?

On the other hand, when you consume high amount of carbohydrates your metabolism spends most of the time burning carbs for fuel. You never get to burn stored fat. If you decrease the amount of available carbs, your body must switch to burning your fat. To enter into ketosis,you need to reduce your carbs to under 50 grams a day.

Seven tips for getting into ketosis.

  1. Minimize your carb intake to 25-50 net carbs a day.
  2. Include coconut oil in your diet.
  3. Ramp up your physical activity.
  4. Increase healthy fats.
  5. Short periods of fasting,
  6. Maintain protein intake.
  7. Test ketones levels.

Why are we saying, that it is a sustainable way to lose weight?

A glance at the long term impacts!

Researches published by NCBI say:

  • A period of low carbohydrate ketogenic diet may help to control hunger and may improve fat oxidative metabolism and therefore reduce body weight. Correctly understood the ketogenic diet can be a useful tool to treat obesity.
  • There was a significant decrease in the level of triglycerides, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and glucose, and a significant increase in the level of HDL cholesterol in the patients. The side effects of drugs commonly used for the reduction of body weight in such patients were not observed in patients who were on the ketogenic diet. Therefore, these results indicate that the administration of a ketogenic diet for a relatively long period of time is safe.

For weight management, we recommend:

Reduce your carbohydrate intake by reducing energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods. Increase minimally processed foods high in fibre and phytonutrients, including vegetables, legumes/pulses and wholegrains and only use classical ketogenic diets under supervision of a health care professional.
