How to choose the best infra red sauna for home?



What comes to your mind when you hear the word sauna?? Mostly…….’Feel better and look better’.

Most of us imagine feeling refreshed, energised, and having an elevated mood after a sauna session! Who would not want that? Of course a sauna session is not limited to what has been mentioned, the benefits extend way beyond that. The traditional Finnish sauna(originating from Finland) have been very popular but now we have a completely new types of range, known as infra red sauna!

We seem to be living in a time in which the interest in alternative types of health care and healing modalities is at an all-time high. One alternative health care approach that has been garnering more and more attention is far infrared rays. As a holistic alternative, FIR’s are being taken up by Doctors and therapists across the planet because of their promising health benefits.


Why infra red?

Infra-red is actually a form of electromagnetic radiation. In layman’s terms it is heat radiation which we encounter every day of our lives. Be it outside in the sunshine or sitting by a fire, both of these give off thermal heat waves. Our skin contains receptors which allows us to feel this heat warming our bodies.Another term for the infrared spectrum is thermal radiation, in that it induces and transfers heat energy very well. 

Far infrared radiant heat is a form of naturally occurring energy that heats objects by direct light conversion. Direct light conversion warms only the object and does not raise the temperature of the surrounding free air. A good example of far infrared heat is the light produced by the sun. This is the heat you feel penetrate your skin when you stand in the sun and miss when you walk into the shade. It has nothing to do with ultraviolet light, which can damage your skin. When people do not receive adequate amounts of far infrared heat, they often can become ill or depressed.

Infra red energy is known have several benefits…. such as Far infrared radiant heat provides all the healthy benefits of natural sunlight without any of the dangerous effects of solar radiation.

 General benefits

  • Pain relief
  • Improved blood vessel functioning
  • Improves skin tone
  • Better sleep
  • Reduced risk of heart attack
  • Improve overall mood and energy levels

Apart from the general benefits, that stem from general observations and practical trials.Lets see, what science testifies:

  1. It claims to be a cure for chronic back pain. (1)
  2. Far infra red radiation, helps reduce cardiovascular risk factors. (2)
  3. FIR, inhibits proliferation of cancerous cells. (3)
  4. Can be used to treat musculoskeletal injuries since it helps to boost mitochondrial signalling. (4)
  5. NIR (via LLLT) helps release Nitric Oxide, that in the treated area, that enhances circulation and thus helps in healing. (5)


What can an infra red sauna do for me?

Saunas using FIR, or far infra red saunas have been proven to be of therapeutic and biological significance.Enlisting all the benefits attributed infra red radiation, you might be able to convince yourself that this sauna might have loads to offer!

The DETOXIFICATION methodology of a sauna is integral to this one too, since the heat produced causes heavy sweating which help flush out toxins from the body. This heavy sweating leads to weight loss too.

This will help you have a cleansed skin, enhanced mood, realxed muscles, and reduced pain, be it in joints or in muscles.

It also increase the haert rate or you can say that it enhances the heart activity which in turn burns more calories owing to weight management

Better sleep, is also one of the gift of a sauna session!

Some of the illness are cured with the help of the infrared sauna such as cellulites, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, prostrate hypertrophy and eczema.

In a nutshell: Aching muscles and joints can be soothed, skin conditions can be improved, blood circulation is improved, and the relaxation achieved in an infrared sauna can help relieve stress levels and blood pressure.


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How is an infra red sauna better than a traditional sauna?

Saunas are nothing new! They have been used since 1890’s. Long back they were used in a very traditional way. It is very recent that infra red saunas have taken the lead! Traditional saunas were heated by wood, so they were also known as ‘smoke saunas’. The steam produced using burning of wood. Later Finnish saunas came into use.

A traditional Finnish sauna that utilizes sauna rocks in its operation is often referred to as a rock sauna, and the name aptly implies just how important a feature of the conventional sauna the rocks are. The sauna heater holds and heats the stones, and the sauna bather tosses water onto the hot stones to create the loyly or vapor that increases the humidity in the sauna room.

When we compare the traditional and this new infra red sauna, we find a number of advantages that this one provides. No doubt it has become very popular recently!

  • An infra red sauna, helps in better heat absorption by the body since it use Far Infra red radiation and not steam. The radiated heat much more quickly heats the body rather than the body being indirectly getting heated with steam.
  • Since, infrared heat penetrates more deeply than warmed air, users of far-infrared saunas (FIRSs) develop a more vigorous sweat at a lower temperature than users of traditional saunas. The cardiovascular demand imparted by thermoregulatory homeostasis is similar to that achieved by walking at a moderate pace.
  • Infrared saunas do not generate steam, they are not as effective in relieving problems with breathing.
  • They involve no high heat and claustrophobic reactions and better air circulation. Far infrared heaters heat the body, not the air, so a bather is more comfortable and cooler.
  • They are good at alleviating the pain of arthritis.
  • Far infrared saunas are more cleansing than conventional saunas because they are designed to generate more than two to three times the amount of perspiration. A higher volume of sweat means a more thorough flushing of toxins from the body.
  • Infrared radiation is also alleged to provide one-of-a-kind healing properties unavailable with radiant heat from conventional saunas. FIR enthusiasts claim it penetrates within the organs and muscle tissues of the body in order to get rid of toxic substances and build your immunity.
  • Some people find it uncomfortable to breathe in the hot air generated by traditional saunas. With the IR sauna, the quality of the air will be the same outside as well as inside because the air is not heated by them.

  • No danger of build up of bacteria in the sauna, since water is not used.

  • Infra red saunas operate at a lower cost since, they are energy efficient equipments.
  • Far infrared saunas are less expensive, easier to install, and require less maintenance than traditional saunas. They come in many sizes and are often quite portable, making them a great choice when limited space is available.


Any side effects?

There is no evidence that infra red saunas are detrimental or pose serious hazards for health. But of course we must use it with care and in the prescribed and recommended manner, to eliminate any danger that may stem out of carelessness. You can use it for 3 to 4 days in a week  for 30 to 40 minute sessions.

When not to use an infra red sauna?

  • Those who are on prescription drugs, be it any sort must consult their physician before using an infra red sauna.
  • People with specific with cardiovascular conditions or problems (hypertension / hypo tension), congestive heart failure, impaired coronary circulation or those who are on  medications, which might affect blood pressure, should avoid or ask their doctor before being exposed prolonged heat. 
  • Individuals who have a pacemaker fitted must consult their physician.
  • An individual that has a fever should not use any type of sauna.
  • Artificial joints made of metal or any other surgical implants generally reflect Far infrared waves and thus are not heated by this system, but still it is advisable to consult your surgeon before using an Infrared Sauna.
  • Pregnant women should consult a physician before using any type of sauna because there is risk of  foetal damage, at high temperatures.


After knowing the actual benefits of using a sauna, you might make up your mind to buy one for yourself. Now the most important question arises, as to which one should you buy? Being very precise, it is very important to know, how to make a wise decision such than you may not regret later.


What should I look for, in an infra red sauna ?

Buying a sauna, can be an easy task, though you might be thinking it has lots of technical aspect to it.. How will I Judge? We have put down here the most critical aspects that are to be seen while choosing a sauna. Its not at all complicated, just read below, and make a quick yet the right decision!


1. WOOD!

All of us know the construction material used for a sauna, is ‘wood’. So, we need to know about the material of course before we decide on about the sauna that is most safe and befitting for us. Any wise buyer will always try to know about the quality of material used when he/she purchases anything. But knowing the quality for you will know the ‘life’ of your product and its sturdiness is not the only thing here.

Some factors that we have to see are, the construction of the sauna, the strength of wood and shrinkage properties. The wood used should not have much shrinking properties such that as time passes cracks or gaps might develop in your sauna. While the strength of wood used may determine the life of your sauna, as to for how many years will it last with you.

Apart from this, there is one more facet to choosing the right wood. You must reember is , that why do you at all use a sauna? The prime motive is detoxification, relaxation, and many more allied benefits. So, the question arises that just any kind of wood used may not be good for the healing and health benefits that you are trying to achieve in a sauna session. The wood used should be non toxic such that all benefits atht you are trying to achieve are not nullified!

We have provided to you important details about most used and most heard of wood when it comes to sauna construction.


This provides one of the ‘best’ building material for a sauna. Most of the sauna manufacturer’s which are trustworthy are using this wood. Some reasons which make it one of the best option are:

  • It is scentless.
  • Hypoallergic nad not at all toxic.
  • Neither too high in weight nor too light.
  • Durable and strong.
  • Minimal shrinkage has been observed even on regular use.


It was earlier used to build saunas. Some sauna manufacturers still use it, but it is the second best option. Though it can be used if the Canadian Hemlock is not at all available. It has a mix of good and some bad properties:

  • Lighter than Canadian Hemlock
  • Has an intrinsic fragrance
  • Non toxic but sometimes has known to sensitise people and cause irritation in eyes, skin and respiratory tract.
  • Extremely Strong
  • Resistant to insect attack
  • Very expensive
  • Resists the growth of all types of moulds


It is least preferred and not apt for a sauna construction. Its properties which eliminate it from the preference list are:

  • Very soft and light
  • Since it is very soft it cannot hold nails for long, so it is not suitable for the construction of long term or lasting cabins.
  • Average in weight.
  • When compared to cedar and Canadian hemlock it may decay easily.



Infra red saunas can be divided into two basic categories depending on the ‘heating technology’ they use. The two main heating systems include:

  • Ceramic heating and
  • Carbon fiber heating

Ceramic heaters are a relatively old technology. Now, most of the saunas use Carbon fiber heaters. Lets find out why?

What we need in a sauna is heated atmosphere. So, the heating should be even such that all body parts get the same amount of heat and temperature differences are not there such that maximum heath benefits of detoxication, better circulation and pain relief can be obtained. What happens with ceramic heaters is that they do not provide a constant and even heat distribution. It was found that temperature variations existed and hot and cold spots could be found within the sauna.

Carbon fiber heaters have a more even distribution of heat that solves cold spot problems experienced with ceramic heaters.

The ceramic heaters achieve a high temperature at a very fast pace, having a very high surface temperature so they fail to heat up the environment evenly and gradually. One more drawback is that ceramic heaters have a lesser life span. With repeated usage the ceramic material cracks and crumbles.Carbon fiber heaters , on the other hand are made from pure carbon perform very well and last longer and sustain high temperetures.The larger surface area of carbon heaters helps to heat up at realtively lower temperature, this also ensures their longer life span.So, when buying a sauna, choose the one wich has ‘carbon fiber’ heaters.

Not only this, also take care about the number of heaters used, since this will ensure adequate heating. There should be at least 5 heaters in a two person sauna, and upto 8 heaters in a three person sauna.



Electromagnetic fields (EMF) is not restricted to an infra red sauna alone! It can be emitted from many forms of technology  such as power lines, home wiring, military radar, transformers, mobile phones and many appliances. If we are exposed to EMF radiations upto a significant level they can prove to be carcinogenic.

Choosing a low EMF infrared sauna is the most critical factor for your safety. There is no specific guideline as to what level of EMF radiation can be considered to be safe. There have been various studies which talk about the harmful effects of EMF radiations but none dictates a level upto which it is permissible or a level where it becomes hazardous.  

Some say, a safe level of EMF is considered to be anything below 3.0mG. While others say that the safe zone lies between 2.0 mG to 0.05 mG.

You must know that carbon heaters emit EMF which needs to be controlled. So while choosing a sauna take utmost care to go in for well established brand. Find out about their safety certifications and what sort of testimonials or studies they are providing to prove their safety zone. Sometimes carbon heaters are encased in protective layers to reduce EMF emission, which is also a good option.

ETL marks or following specifications according to International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) may be a good sign. What you should do, is look for an infra red sauna that claims LOW EMF emission along with some safety certifications.


Rest of the things that you should be looking for are….


All the sauna manufacturers provide limited warranties. You might find them offering warranties differently for wood, electronic equipments and heaters. Do not be confused, the solution is that look for the right kind of wood, but the heaters and electronic attachments should be covered by warranty. A warranty of five to seven years is good enough.

Do not fall prey to extremely low priced saunas, since they may eliminate such benefits from their portfolio!


Good customer service! Who does not want that? When you make a huge investment in an equipment like a ‘sauna’ you must find a trusted manufacturer, a legitimate company that has a good record in business. A quick check at the good track record will make you trust them for their customer service.


The last, but a very important factor is to see customer reviews, and that too from many sources! The official website of the company may sometimes not provide the real picture. Look for reviews from other sources too. Whatever claims the company might make, whatever the magnitude of promises… All can be verified by knowing the customer’s voice! It will reveal to you the practical aspect of the equipment as to how true does it fall to its claim!




Owning, a personal suana can not only add to your luxury, but also provide you the most coveted health benefits. Glowing and detoxified skin, a relaxed mind, a soothed body, is all that you can haev at the comfort of your home. It is a personal leisure and comfort option, without running to spas and eliminating all hassles of owning a tradiational sauna, you will have all benefits while being at home, in a much more economical way.
Since most saunas, do not generate much of electricity bills unlike the traditional sauna..

Since a range of saunas with a variety of features , designs, claims and warrantees are available, it is difficult to scan the best ones, as the myriad of options available can leave you baffled! 

If you’re looking for a personal sauna or a sauna that your entire family can use at home you can find some of the best here.
We have enlisted some, which are reliable and cost effcetive options, such that you can have any one of them at your home, and enjoy the luxury in the long term.


1.  JNH Lifestyles 2 Person Far Infrared Sauna 7 Carbon Fiber Heaters

One of the ‘best’ in the infra red sauna category, for it is high on aesthetics, quality and certified safe. This JNH lifestyle sauna stands true to all its claims.


  • Latest technology carbon infra red heaters
  • Heaters have been strategically located to maximise heating, focussing especially on the back, sides and calf areas.
  • Manufactured from 100% high quality Canadian hemlock wood
  • No plywood used (FSC certified wood used)
  • Construction complies T and G technology. This ensures best fitting with minimum spaces and flaws.
  • The walls of their sauna are insulated such that no heat escapes.
  • Glass door also provides good insulation.
  • LED lights to lighten up the interiors, this helps in cost effectiveness and low electricity bill generated.
  • Comes with digital control panel.
  • USA standard volatge acceptance.
  • Inbuilt speakers with AUX cable.
  • This is not a zero EMF sauna, but the company says emf levels are within recommended levels which will not prove hazardous for health at all.
  • Equipment inspection done by Intertek. ETL approved.
  • 5 years of warranty.
  • The company provides good customer service too.

The only drawbacks that could be found are that it may not support i phones and the temperature may not reach 140F exactly, but may well be somewhere near it. No major technical faults seen.

Bottomline: A very reliable and high quality product. Demand a very befitting price among all its competitors. Lots of positive customer reviews support all the claims made by the manufacturers.


2. Radiant Saunas 2-Person Hemlock Infrared Sauna with 6 Carbon Heaters

The next best choice could be this 2 person hemlock sauna, from Radiant saunas. It is an equipment that clears all the specifications and requirements fro being a trustworthy and good option for your health. The quality of the product makes us believe that it will provide you unhindered services in the long run.


  • 6 carbon heatres ensure to provide even heating.
  • Doctor recommended brand. Designed for commercial as well as personal use, and built with care to provide maximum therapeutic benefits. 
  • Claims to reach upto a temperature of 141 degrees farenheit.
  • Robust built, very durable since it is made from A grade, Canadian hemlock wood. 
  • High on safety. Tested for very LOW EMF levels and VOCs (Volatile Organic compounds).
  • Supported by testimonials from practitioners as well as customers in general. 
  • Provided with double insulation. (interior as well as exterior insulation on walls)
  • Bronze tinted glass door for privacy.
  • LED control panel, provided on the outside.
  • Inbuilt speakers, FM, stereo Cd player, and MP3 aux connection.
  • Ease of assembly provided to make the device user friendly.
  • Magazine racks, towel hooks provided.
  • Low on energy consumption.
  • Provision of oxygen ionising system to keep the sauna clean.
  • Chemotherapy light available.
  • Provide a very generous 7 year warranty (for indoor usage).

A huge number of positive reviews from customers prove it quality and efficiency. No flaw could be found in the product except for that, it is very Heavy and cannot be shifted easily. You might have to keep it settled in one place.

Bottomline: It is a sauna with extra ravishing features. Very durable and high quality product that will provide you awesome services for every penny that you spend.  


3. DYNAMIC SAUNAS AMZ-DYN-6106-01 Barcelona 1 to 2-Person Far Infrared

This sauna, is also from a trusted manufacturer, such it is also known for its quality and efficiency. It has features that justify its price and buying this one will not make you regret later.  The design and use of quality material makes it a good option if you’re on the lookout for a good at home ‘personal’ sauna.


  • 6 carbon heaters that are low on EMF emission.
  • The infra red emitting panels are placed in such a manner that they will cover a large surface area of your skin.
  • Very sturdy, construction. 
  • Claim to provide easy assembly which will atek only 30 to 45 minutes.
  • High quality canadian hemlock wood (6 mm width)
  • Claim high pick up with heating, withim minutes you can be soothed and warmed. Heating panels (carbon) placed strategically : one on the rear wall, one on the side wall, one under the bench and one on the floor. Heating system is well managed and flawless.
  • Provide speakers and MP3 aux connection.
  • Digital control panel, provided both outside and inside.
  • A range of lighting choices, available.
  • Provide extra facilty: towel holder and a magazine rack.
  • 3 years warranty for wooden construction and heating system.
  • The company is very reliable as it dates back to 2007 and has very efficient customer service.

The product is high on quality and complies with the safety standards, but we would like you to know that you may not find it suitable or ‘very spacious’ for two people. It is apt for one person, but not enough for two. Although the space issue is something very personal and may vary from person to person.

Bottomline: Worth the price that it demands. It is a high quality product. It has been made keeping in mind a small house that may fulfil a couple’s needs.




4. JNH Lifestyles NE1HB1 ENSI Collection 1 Person NO EMF Infrared Sauna 

Yet another sauna, from among the range of saunas that ‘JNH lifestyle’ provides. This one is unique since it is a very technologically advanced product, claiming NO or ZERO EMF radiations! Perfectly suited for home use, and best for extremely health conscious people who need to keep on using it regularly and want eliminate every possibility of any hazards in the long run.


  • 6, ZERO EMF emitting carbon infra red heaters.
  • Heaters have been strategically located to maximise heating, focussing especially on the back, sides and calf areas.
  • Manufactured from 100% high quality Canadian hemlock wood
  • No plywood used (FSC certified wood used)
  • Construction complies T and G technology. This ensures best fitting with minimum spaces and flaws.
  • The walls of their sauna are insulated such that no heat escapes.
  • Glass door also provides good insulation.
  • LED lights to lighten up the interiors, this helps in cost effectiveness and low electricity bill generated.
  • Comes with digital control panel.
  • USA standard volatge acceptance.
  • Inbuilt speakers with AUX cable.
  • This is not a zero EMF sauna, but the company says emf levels are within recommended levels which will not prove hazardous for health at all.
  • Equipment inspection done by Intertek. ETL approved.
  • 5 years of warranty.
  • The company provides good customer service too.

The equipment is certified for zero EMF emission, so is a little pricey for the technology that it uses. 

Bottomline: A high quality and efficient product that will take good care of your health. You may invest in it if you want one of the best and certified ‘safe’ zero EMF sauna for yourself.


5. Crystal Sauna FWH200 2-Person Family Infrared Sauna

Crystal saunas are from a well established manufacturer and have been made keeping safety and the customer’s needs in mind. apart from what all other saunas provide that is health benefits through FIR, it has some other distinguishing features which set it apart from others.


  • 8 carbon fiber heaters that will cover a total of 4,000 square inches of area.
  • Low EMF emission. Crystal sauna complies with International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines.
  • The company claims that heaters have a life of at least 100,000 hours.
  • Heating focuses feet and leg areas which some saunas fail to, while also providing an evenly heated atmosphere within the sauna.
  • 7 Color therapy lights with a remote control. (for chemotherapy and promoting homeostasis) 
  • The sitting bench is spacious with a width of 20.5 inches.
  • Comes along with a portable ergonomic backrest to support the body such that u can relax and overcome any sort of fatigue. (This is mostly not provided in other saunas)
  • Inbuilt speakers and provision of AM/FM and CD player.
  • Interior reading lights provided.
  • Built with cup holder, magazine rack and towel holder. 
  • Dual control panel.
  • Thick tempered glass to resist breakage.
  • Oxygen ionizer will keep the air in the sauna clean.
  • The last session’s settings are remembered so taht u don’t need to do the hard work again.
  • Very extended warranty periods for residential use. (while limited warranty for commercial use)
  • Customer serviec and support, help trouble shoot problems. The suppot center provides manuals to guide you through.

‘The product is high on SAFETY with respect to heating as well as electrical safety. The control panel shut down the system, when the desired temperature level is reached. Moreover each heater has a heat switch that will turn of the specific heater if it over heats.’

Bottomline: This one has extra features and is a very trusted and safe device. It is little high in price, but you may explore the features and you will find that teh price is fair enough. 


6. Maxxus Saunas MX-J206-01 Seattle Carbon Far Infrared Sauna for 2 Persons

A very safe ‘low EMf’ sauna that has all the features that can make your sauna session a soothing and comforting experience. Though it is not very popular in the market, but na in depth study about the product will reveal to you that it is a worth trusting option. Specially designed to provide health benefits to you, it has been a source of happiness and satisfaction for those who have used it.


  • 6 low EMF carbon heating panels.
  • Distribution of heating panels: 2 on the rear wall, 2 on the sides (one on each side), one on the bench nad the last one on the floor.
  • Temperature varies between 130 to 120 F on operating it, while the specifications say thet it will reach upto 140 F.
  • Made from genuine Canadian hemlock wood.
  • An easy to use control panel provided.
  • Tempered glass door.
  • Provision of an interior reading lamp.
  • In built speakers and MP3 aux connection provided.
  • The assembly process isn’t complicated. 

This unit does not boast of too many extra features, but it is a safe and reliable product. Not much customer reviews available.

Bottomline: It is an affordable sauna, which will be your long term companion for health. It has all the basic features that are needed.


7. Empava 1-2 Person Far Infrared Sauna 6 Carbon Fiber Heaters

EMPAVA is a known name in producing high end home appliances. Trusted for quality. Thus, you may be at peace while choosing their sauna, since it will also not disappoint you.


  • 6 low EMF emitting carbon heaters.
  • Highest level of temperature that can be reached is 141 F. Th ecompany claims that it will take only 15 to 20 minutes to reach the recommended temperature of 124F.
  • High quality Canadian Hemlock wood is used.
  • Tempered glass door.
  • Snap and loch buckle system used which will ease the process of assembly.
  • Adjustable roof vents provided for aeration after use.
  • Dual control panel. (can be used both from interior as well as exterior)
  • Inbuilt bluetooth speakers, Fm radio and AUX Mp3 connection.
  • ETL certified and Ul listed components used.
  • USA standards voltage compliance.
  • Good customer service provided by the company.

Bottomline: This sauna has all the basic features. You can purchase this one since the manufacturers are a well trusted name in home appliances, and their saunas are tested and certified safe.


8. Empava 2-3 Person Far Infrared Sauna 8 Carbon Fiber Heaters

Yet another sauna form ‘Empava’. This one has all the sam features, the only difference being that it caters to the needs of a larger family. Since, it is from a trusted manufacturer, it is a good take home option. 


  • 8 low EMF emitting carbon heaters.
  • Highest level of temperature that can be reached is 141 F. Th ecompany claims that it will take only 15 to 20 minutes to reach the recommended temperature of 124F.
  • High quality Canadian Hemlock wood is used.
  • Tempered glass door.
  • Snap and loch buckle system used which will ease the process of assembly.
  • Adjustable roof vents provided for aeration after use.
  • Dual control panel. (can be used both from interior as well as exterior)
  • Inbuilt bluetooth speakers, Fm radio and AUX Mp3 connection.
  • ETL certified and Ul listed components used.
  • USA standards voltage compliance.
  • Good customer service provided by the company.

Bottomline: This sauna is apt for 3 people and has all the basic features. You can purchase this one since the manufacturers are a well trusted name in home appliances, and their saunas are tested and certified safe.


9. JNH Lifestyles Joyous 3 Person Canadian Hemlock Wood 8 Carbon Fiber 

This sauna, is again undoubtedly a high quality device since it is a product from JNH Lifestyles. It is aesthetically designed and will cater to the needs of 3 people in go. The floor of this sauna has enough space for a person to lie down while not unfolding your legs completely. Of course it is efficient and complies all safety specifications.


  • 8 carbon fiber infra red heaters
  • Heaters have been strategically located to maximise heating, focussing especially on the back, sides and calf areas.
  • Manufactured from 100% high quality Canadian hemlock wood
  • No plywood used (FSC certified wood used)
  • Construction complies T and G technology. This ensures best fitting with minimum spaces and flaws.
  • The walls of their sauna are insulated such that no heat escapes.
  • Glass door also provides good insulation.
  • LED lights to lighten up the interiors, this helps in cost effectiveness and low electricity bill generated.
  • Comes with digital control panel. You can set the temperature and duration according to your choice.
  • USA standard volatge acceptance.
  • Inbuilt speakers with AUX cable.
  • This is not a zero EMF sauna, but the company says emf levels are within recommended levels which will not prove hazardous for health at all.
  • Equipment inspection done by Intertek. ETL approved.
  • 5 years of warranty.
  • The company provides good customer service too.

No technical faults seen.


Bottomline: A very reliable and high quality product. A must buy if you have a large family and need a sauna that serves the need of more than one person at a time. 


10. Crystal Sauna BH300 3-Person Infrared Sauna

Crystal saunas are from a well established manufacturer and have been made keeping safety and the customer’s needs in mind. Apart from what all other saunas provide that is health benefits through FIR, it has some other distinguishing features which set it apart from others. This one is for fitting needs of three people.


  • 7 carbon fiber heaters that will cover a total of 4800 square inches of area.
  • Low EMF emission. Crystal sauna complies with International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines.
  • The company claims that heaters have a life of at least 100,000 hours.
  • Heating focuses feet and leg areas which some saunas fail to, while also providing an evenly heated atmosphere within the sauna.
  • 7 Color therapy lights with a remote control. (for chemotherapy and promoting homeostasis) 
  • The sitting bench is spacious with a width of 20.5 inches.
  • Comes along with a portable ergonomic backrest to support the body such that u can relax and overcome any sort of fatigue. (This is mostly not provided in other saunas)
  • Inbuilt speakers and provision of AM/FM and CD player.
  • Interior reading lights provided.
  • Built with cup holder, magazine rack and towel holder. 
  • Dual control panel.
  • Thick tempered glass to resist breakage.
  • Oxygen ionizer will keep the air in the sauna clean.
  • The last session’s settings are remembered so taht u don’t need to do the hard work again.
  • Very extended warranty periods for residential use. (while limited warranty for commercial use)
  • Customer serviec and support, help trouble shoot problems. The suppot center provides manuals to guide you through.

‘The product is high on SAFETY with respect to heating as well as electrical safety. The control panel shut down the system, when the desired temperature level is reached. Moreover each heater has a heat switch that will turn of the specific heater if it over heats.’

Bottomline: It is a very trusted and safe device but, a little high in price. It caters to need of a larger number of people and has some extra features that other saunas do not provide. 


