How to really start with Keto diet? Best ketogenic diet plan for beginners


Keto diet plan for beginners..

A quick overview on ketosis:

In the most simple terms we can say that, Ketosis is a normal metabolic process. When the body does not have enough glucose for energy, it burns stored fats instead; this results in a build-up of acids called ketones within the body.


On a ketogenic diet plan, the main foods to avoid are those high in carbohydrates, sugars, and the wrong types of fats.

Some of the best-tasting, most fulfilling foods are part of this plan, including lean meats like beef and chicken, healthy sources of protein and high-quality fats like eggs, butter, olive oil, coconut oil and avocado. Also, delicious leafy-green vegetables like kale, chard, and spinach, as well as cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower.

These foods can be combined with seeds, nuts, sprouts, and a wide range of other amazing foods that lead to incredible health benefits that give your body the protein, healthy fats, and nutrients it needs while providing metabolism-boosting meals for easy cooking at home or on the go.

Editor’s note: – If you are interested in ketosis, and following ketogenic diet plans, we recommend two very useful resources – Perfect Keto, a natural supplement to get you into the state of Ketosis as quickly and effectively as possible, and The Essential Keto Cookbook, a great way to kickstart your Keto journey.

How to get in the fat burning mode?

When you stop eating sugar (ie: carbs), your body begins the process of ketosis. In ketosis, the liver begins unpacking fat cells so your body is able to use the fatty acids for fuel. Additionally, it produces ketone bodies, which the body also uses for fuel – especially the human mind.

The advantages of ketosis are many – reduced blood pressure, lower cholesterol, low triglycerides, enhanced insulin sensitivity, and weight loss without respect to calorie count. Other reported benefits are common – lack of appetite, lack of cravings, improved mood, diminished anxiety, and higher mental concentration.

You have lots of information, floating online.. Too much buzz about ketosis, its benefits, and much more..

Wondering how do I help myself, to also reap benefits from this?

If you’re a beginner you need to know certain things..

  • How to actually start the diet?
  • Focus on foods with fat & moderate protein, things like: sausage, bacon, fatty steak, ground beef/pork, cheese, eggs, salmon, avocado, chicken (with the skin), olive oil, butter, coconut oil, etc.

Get full knowledge about keto foods. Use low glycemic vegetables, to complete your vitamin and mineral requirement.

  • Get access, to meal plans.. prepare grocery lists.
  • Read about keto recipes that you would love to have.
  • Gather information about aware all necessary tools that you might need. Macro calculator, keto sticks, optimal ketone levels etc .
  • Know your goals. (How dire is your need to shed weight, and how much do you need to lose?)
  • Be mentally prepared to battle keto flu!

With all the suggestions that we’ve given there is an important part that is very crucial and integral to you, and only you.. It is your WILL POWER, since you will be needing this, to stay on track and reach some practically achievable goals.

Keto isn’t easy in the initial phase, you need to know about ‘Keto flu’ so that you can battle with it, navigate through it wisely and overcome it with ease!

Keto Flu:

Also known as the ‘carb flu,’ the keto flu is a natural reaction (almost like a feeling of withdrawal) your body undergoes when switching from burning glucose (sugar) as energy to burning fat instead. In fact, some people say the keto flu symptoms can actually feel similar to withdrawing from an addictive substance.

It happens because you suddenly remove carbohydrates from your diet.

For an average person, the keto flu lasts a week or less, and symptoms usually begin within the first day or two of removing carbs.

In extreme cases, the keto flu can last up to a month, but that’s uncommon.Being a little vigilant and cautious with your diet can easily help you navigate these symptoms with ease. A right approach to keto diet is necessary to do it!

You can manage ‘keto flu’ by:

  • Keeping yourself hydrated
  • Taking an electrolyte supplement
  • Eat more fat
  • Take exogenous ketones
  • Adequate sleep
  • Exercise that may suit you

Why is hydration so IMPORTANT?

Electrolyte balance is crucial for many body functions. The primary electrolytes in the body are calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium, and are actually considered macrominerals.

The most prominent sign that your electrolyte/mineral balance is being affected is an increase in urination. On a low-carb diet, insulin levels drop which promotes the secretion of sodium in the urine.Your kidneys do not retain water and sodium, instead start dumping both at a faster rate!

In response to the low sodium levels, your kidneys will also start removing potassium to maintain a sodium-potassium equilibrium.

This imbalance of electrolytes can cause fatigue, headaches, light-headedness, dizziness and muscle cramping – often known as ‘keto-flu’.

Do not be scared away from a low-carb diet since it is easy to counteract these problems by supplementing your diet with extra electrolyte sources and adequate hydration!

Do not be confused between ‘Ketosis’ and ‘Keto acidosis’ !

Ketosis and ketoacidosis are NOT the same thing.

Ketosis is a 100% natural state, under full control by the body. It can be caused by a low-carb diet or by a brief period of fasting.

Most people who eat a strict low-carb ketogenic diet never reach levels higher than 3 millimolar or so. But ketoacidosis occurs at levels of 10+, most commonly 15+.

Ketoacidosis is a condition where the levels of ketones in the body are abnormally high, poisoning the body. It is a serious and dangerous condition that can quickly develop, sometimes within the space of 24 hours.

High levels of ketones in the urine and high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) are signs of ketoacidosis and can be detected with kits in the home.

Patients with diabetes who follow a ketogenic diet need to carefully monitor their ketone levels.


  • Below 5 mmol/L is not considered “ketosis”. At this level, you’re far away from maximum fat-burning.
  • Between 0.5-1.5 mmol/L is light nutritional ketosis. You’ll be getting a good effect on your weight, but not optimal.
  • Around 1.5 – 3 mmol/Lis what’s called optimal ketosis and is recommended for maximum weight loss.


Ignorance is dangerous!

Start your journey with the right guidance and support.

Gain complete and correct knowledge before you opt nutritional ketosis as your saviour to obesity.

A glance at some keto recipes..

Understand, whether you can enjoy the drill too..

  1. Cheeesy Italian Omellete


  • 2 eggs
  • 1 Tbsp water
  • 1 Tbsp butter
  • 3 thin slices deli Sopressata (you can sub in salami or prosciutto if that’s what you have)
  • 6 fresh basil leaves
  • 5 thin slices fresh, ripe tomato
  • 2 oz fresh mozzarella cheese
  • salt and pepper to taste


1 Whisk together the eggs and water in a small bowl.

2 Melt the butter in a nonstick saute pan over low to medium heat.

3 Pour in the egg mixture and cook for 30 seconds.

4 Spread the meat slices on one half of the egg mixture. Top with the cheese, tomatoes, and basil slices. Season with salt and pepper.

5 Cook for about 2 minutes or until the empty half of the egg mixture is firm enough to fold over the ingredients. Use a spatula to gently fold the omelette in half.

6 Cover the pan and cook on low heat for another minute or two or until the omelette is cooked through and there is no raw egg left in the middle.

7 To remove, tilt the pan and slide the omelette gently out onto a plate.

2. Bunless burger:


  • 4 (1/4-lb.) ground beef patties
  • ½ teaspoon coarse kosher salt
  • ½ teaspoon black pepper
  • 12 teaspoons Dijon mustard
  • 4 lettuce leaves
  • 2 thick tomato slices
  • 2 red onion slices
  • 2 slices sharp cheddar


1 Season the beef patties with salt and pepper. Cook them on a hot cast iron griddle, 1-2 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate and allow to rest, loosely covered in foil, for 5 minutes.

2 While meat is resting, assemble the remaining ingredients.

3 To assemble the “sandwiches,” grab two plates. Place one cooked patty on each plate. Spread it with mustard. on top of the mustard, layer the lettuce, onion, tomato, cheese, and then top with another cooked patty. Serve immediately, with extra napkins. ??

3. Quick and healthy Chicken Caccitore


  • 3 pounds bone in thighs ( 8 thighs)
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 1/2 cup red cooking wine
  • 1 cup sliced onion
  • 1 teaspoon thyme
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 can tomato paste
  • 1/2 cup fresh, chopped basil
  • optional: 1 cup sliced mushrooms, chopped tomatoes, peppers


1 In pressure cooker, heat olive oil and add garlic. Cook garlic about a minute, careful not to burn it.

2 Season chicken with salt and pepper and it to the pan. Brown on each side, about 5 minutes.

3 Turn the heat to low while you add all the other ingredients into the cooker.

4 Cover the lid, lock it and bring to pressure, lower the heat and cook for 12 minutes.

5 Release the pressure and then remove the lid.

6 Serve with your favourite pasta and marinara sauce!

EDITOR’S NOTE: If you are interested in knowing more of easy, delicious and low budget keto recipes, we recommend ‘The Essential Keto Cookbook’ as a very useful resource.
