Bad effects of a 100% raw food diet on skin


This article on explains that one of the most damaging things you can do to your body and skin is to eat a 100% raw food diet!

Going back and forth

Like Matt, I think that one of the most damaging things you can do to your body is to eat a 100% raw food diet, with periods of binging on heavy raw food recipes or cooked foods.

On 100% raw diets, especially the kinds that are a little too pure, the body becomes extremely sensitive and loses its ability to digest more complex foods. Going back and forth between two extremes will take a toll on your body.

Instead, if you find that you can’t do 100% raw without eventually breaking the streak with a large cooked meal that makes you sick, try to settle for an 80% or even 60 or 70% raw diet. That way, your body will get used to the foods you are eating and your overall nutrition will be more balanced.

Extended water fasting

I once fasted 23 days on water. It was a great experience, but it took a toll on my body. It was very depleting and took me many months to recover. I do think, however, that the main problems was that I fasted when I was already a very skinny raw foodist.

Fasting makes more sense when you have a specific health goal in mind, and some extra weight to release. No one should fast unsupervised (I attended a fasting retreat), but nonetheless, I don’t think I would fast that long again.